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If you have questions about the game I’m going to talk about I will explain that right now, which means if you have ask the question “What is Sonic Lost World” then you are going to here the answer right away. In this game Sonic Lost World you will be facing enemies called the deadly six, which these enemies are going to threaten the entire world.

Sonic will have to get power ups and new moves to defeat them, which he will have to do it before its too late. Professor Eggman tried to harness the power of the deadly six to destroy sonic, which he also wants to rule the world as well as destroy his nemesis the menacing blue hedgehog we all know and love.

But this plan backfired because the deadly six turned on Dr Eggman, which was their master so now Eggman must team up with Sonic. In addition to having to team up with Dr Eggman Sonic must now try to discover the Mystical Lost Hex, which means he is going to need these Hex’s to face the deadly six head to head.

In this game you will be using Sonic new moves and amazing colour powers if you are trying to speed across a variety of unique terrains, which also means you will be also racing inside, outside and upside down in every level. If you were asking “What is Sonic Lost World” then you have heard this explanation briefly and there is allot more information to talf about to come.

This Game has and interesting story in my opinion.

This game has an interesting story, which it’s not often Eggman had to work with Sonic. In the game also both Eggman and Tails have thought to have died as well, which they must have survived something somehow.

This game has some neat concepts in it but, they did nothing with those concepts or they executed them awfully. They basically showed Sonics character weakness, which many people would like when playing through the story plot.

Sonic basically, had character weaknesses where he was acting before thinking and cause more problems in the end, which Sonic had no flaws in previous games so it was very exciting to many people that the game creators tried something new to add some sort of character development to you invested in the story. But even though the character development in the games story was somewhat good, say could of written the story alittle better though.

This game in all had some interesting story ideas so far but it is lost in what type of ideas it wants to follow, which means they could of improve on the story plot in detail even it did have good story ideas in it. All in all the game have good emotionally development and some good character conflict that draws you in the story but has some good story ideas that hasn’t been explored yet.

Lost World Boss Battle

One of the Boss Battles the first one was one of the deadly six Zazz, which he was a purple colored monster that was itching for a first during his first instroduction in the story, which you first face him on top of a yellow moon with a monstrous face. Sonic also has to face Zazz second time, but this time he is carrying that same moon with that monstrous face.

At the end of that Bosses stage Zazz throws that moon with the montrous face and Sonic has to defeat that purple monster while he throws that yellow moon like a ball, which would be the end of that first Boss Battle. The Second Boss Zamon was a fat yellow monster that was called Fat One by Eggman when he was introduced, which Eggman rewarded a sandwich if he went to destroy Sonic but he jump up and Zamon weight destroyed the floor under him.

Sonic must defeat Zamon in the air, which you are in the air on a giant cube that falling from the sky. After Zamon was defeated he said that Does this mean no desert, which he probably knew he wasn’t getting any desert after Sonic defeated him, which also in your final fight against Zamon he was eating even bigger sandwich after you have to fight him in a desert stage.

The next Boss Sonic will have to face is Master Zik and there are many other Bosses, which means there are many challenges that are ahead as you play as Sonic. There are also other Bosses from the deadly six such as Zeena, Zor, and even Zavak.

Is this the best 3D Sonic Game yet?

I’m just going to say that the game has been improved significantly, which means that this game has been highly updated. They also removed the forced Sonic colours motion controls, which was one of the things people complained about.

This game has somewhat of a learning curve for people that played the previous Sonic games, which are used to the control mechanics of the old Sonic games. People aren’t going to be sure they like the game at first, which when you adapt while you continue playing you will grow to enjoy it.

This is basically one of the best looking game ever, which this game also has some of the most fun levels ever. The DLC of this game is somewhat truly something special, which means there must be something exciting about this games DLC.

There is Night theme level which some people might find ok, but there is an unheard of crossover with Nintendo to give this game a Yoshi’s Island themed level. In addition to the Yoshi’s Island themed level, there is also an amazing Zelda themed levels that you can start playing if you get the DLC of this game.

Is this a misunderstood game?

This game has it’s flaw in my opinion, but this game is in a great direction which takes the franchise in a new direction as well. This game is highly misunderstood by reviewers and players alike, which most people do not understand because this game is not like the previous Sonic games.

If you play this game like it’s a whole new game with controls then that is great, which you will see how fun it is. In addition to what was just said, if you play this game expecting a fast paced sonic game you might be disapointed, which means this game would not be what you expect it to be.

Sonic is slowed down in this game and the controls might take the player to get used to it, but still this is a great game and gamers will have a great time playing. I think that slowing down Sonic in the game made him that more precise, which means it is easier to move and attack with precision.

The Sonic controls in this game are wonderful once you got all of his moves down, which means once you understand the controls this game starts to become fun to play. I would recommend this game to new Sonic gaming fans to play, which when you treat this game like it is a new game you will enjoy it and have a blast.

Wrapping up this Conclusion

To Wrap it up Sonic Lost World is an awesome and fun game to play in my opinion, which you are going to have to play this game for yourself. Even though this games control mechanics is different from the previous Sonic games it still is a fun game to play, which once you get the hang of the controls when you start playing.

The customers reviews of the this game is 4.5 out of 5, which these review ratings of this game is on amazon. In addition to that, you can purchase this game over on that site.

This game plot is very interesting to start playing, which the previous Sonic games before this one didn’t even think of this angle where Sonic has to team up with Dr Eggman. At the end of one of those Boss Battle Dr Eggman was the Last Boss you have to fight after the deadly six were defeated in the previous Boss fight.

I would recommend this game to many Sonc fans who love the franchise, even though you are not going to be use to the controls if your use to the previous Sonic games. You are going to have to play this game and find out for yourself if this game is fun or not.

If you have questions or feedback about Sonic Lost World, please post comments below and share and experience with everyone down in the comment section!

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