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Scarlet Nexus on The Playstation 5This game is called Scarlet Nexus for the Play Station 5, which you will be told allot of things about this Scarlet Nexus Playstation 5 game. This game takes place in a far distant future, a psionic hormone was discovered in the human brain.

In addition to the human brain, it has granted people extra-sensory powers and changing the world as we know it. Just as humanity was entering this new era, deranged mutants known as Others began to descend from the sky with a thirst for human brains.

They are highly resistant to conventional attack methods, extreme measures needed to be taken to battle the overwhelming threat and preserve humanity. So those people with acute extra-sensory abilities, known as psionic, were our chance to fight the onslaught from above.

Psionic’s are scouted for their skills and recruited to the Other Suppression Force (OSF), you play as a character named Yuito Sumeragi who a new recruit aiming to become an elite psionic. To conclude, you get to use your psychic abilities in this Scarlet Nexus Playstation 5 game.

Kinetic Psychic Combat

You can enjoy the Kinetic Psychic Combat in the game, which means the combat must be fun to enjoy. You are basically using psycho-kinetic abilities.

To add on to that, the world around you becomes your greatest weapons, which means I can use the environment to fight for me. You can lift, break and throw pieces of your environment, which means I can do amazing things in this game.

In addition to environment, you can build your attack combos and lay waste to your enemies. So Based on what was said so far you can probably lift things up with your mind.

You basically, can use whats around you as a weapons. To conclude, you can use a style of combat called Kinetic Psychic Combat.

Exterminating The Others

In this game game you have to exterminate The Others, which means these Others must be the enemy you have to fight. These others are deranged mutants that descended the sky, so you are going to be fighting mutants called others to explain and understant what was said.

The others are immune to conventional weapons and defenses, which means these Others are hard to take down by normal people. These creatures are tormented by the constant pain of their mutation, so that means these Others need to be put out of thier misery.

They seek brains of living organisms to calm their madness. Basically, these others are dangerous to this futuristic setting.

They are also dangerous to themselves based on what was said so far. To conclude, you going to have to protect the human race to protect the human race.

Discovering a Brain Punk Future

Cyber Punk FutureYou get to discover a Brain Punk Future in the story, which means the story in this game must take place in the future. You get to explore and protect a futuristic Japanese landscape.

In addition to the landscape that also combines inspirations from classic anime. To add on to the classic anime landscape inspiration, the landscape is also inspired by western science fiction.

You get to explore a futuristic city in the game called New Himuka. Basically, you get to experience a futuristic world and see new things.

In addition to that, based on what was said so far this game is anime inspired. In conclusion, you get to experience this Punk Future Story.

Critics talking about this game

Critic ReviewThere are allot of critics talking about this game. One person says that Scarlet Nexus is one of the most interesting new JRPGs that we’ve seen in a while from a big publisher.

He goes on to say that combining a beautifully elegant, but also visceral combat system with rich and evocative theme. In addition to the theme it also has hugely entertaining characters.

He also mention that this game is also available on the previous generation. He also says that this game is very much the perfect new-generation experience.

Another critic also mentioned that this has a deep combat system, great use of the DualSense in its version for PS5, complex narrative full of great moments and memorable characters, art direction that enchants and music that falls in love, are just some of the great virtues that one can find in it. In conclusion, there are allot of critics that have allot to say about this game


There are users of this game that has allot to say as well, you might want to check out what so good about this game and see it for yourself. One person says that he like this game, the story was really cool, which means if the story was probabably cool then that means that the story must really be good.

I addition to what he says, he also mentioned that the characters each have their own style and way of being. To add to that, the gameplay maintains what really should be a hack n slash and at the same time presents you with a very innovative system.

This person also mentions a full plate for those who enjoy the genre and also like anime games. Another critic says the combat is okay in the beginning, but once you unlock more abilities.

He goes on to mention that the combat becomes interesting pairing them. To conclude, their are allot of things about this game that you like and you might want to try, which you can get this game on amazon so you can play this game for yourself and make up your mind whether this game is good or bad.

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